I had a request to Deploy a pdf file to user's desktop and could not find clear documentation, hence here is how I successfully deployed it and decided to share is with this amazing community. Deploy File to Intune Enrolled Devices Deploy a file to Intune enrolled device's ...
After wrapping thePPKG file to the intunewin format, you can upload the file to Intune. More details about the steps to upload and create an application with Intune are explained in my previous post. Please use the below PowerShell command line while configuring in Intune. Below the comman...
Well, an .exe app can't just be uploaded to the Intune portal and then deployed. Before we even get started with Intune, we need to figure out how to install and uninstall the Win32 app. This means we need a machine (identical to the machines you manage with Intune) to perform...
Instead, you need to package the .exe file using one of the supported formats, such as .intunewin or .msi, before deploying it. Here are two common methods to deploy .exe files via Intune: Wrap the .exe file in a .intunewin package: Create an application package by using ...
Deploy policy by using Intune Step 1: Build mobileconfig file Now, you havegroups,rules, andsettings, replace the mobileconfig file with those values and put it under the Device Control node. Here's the demo file:mdatp-devicecontrol/demo.mobileconfig at main - microsoft/mdatp-devicecontrol (...
The name of a folder that contains the file generated by the Win32 Content Prep Tool. Optionally, the name of a folder for holding catalog information about the app.The tool creates a file with the extension .intunewin. You upload this file to Intune as follows:Using...
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) JAMF Pro Munki Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Zdieľať túto stránku Prepojenie je skopírované Bola táto stránka nápomocná? Áno, ďakujemAni nie ...
I am getting a fatal error message when I try to push the app using both the .msi and .exe. Do I need to leave the .msi or the .exe file in the folder with the resources and packages folder when running the Win 32 app to build the intune win32? I am testing I...
These Intune protected apps are enabled with a rich set of support for mobile application protection policies. For more information, see Microsoft Intune protected apps. Custom apps are LOB apps that have been integrated with the Intune SDK or wrapped by the Intune App Wrapping Tool. For ...
Microsoft Intune Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy שיתוף הדף הזה קישור הועתק האם הדף הזה הועיל לך? כן, תודהלא ממש ...