针对你提到的“depends on undefined module 'libc++_shared'”错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解决: 确认错误信息的上下文和来源: 这个错误通常出现在使用Android NDK进行C++开发时,尤其是在配置CMakeLists.txt或Android.mk文件时。 错误信息表明编译器或链接器在尝试构建项目时,找不到名为'libc++_shared'...
Device: pixel 5 Android version: 12.0 Magisk version name: branch-master Magisk version code: 23016 in native/jni/utils/android.mk LOCAL_EXPORT_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libcxx LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libcxx should be changed, it's a leftove...
device/google/wahoo/thermal/Android.bp:1:1: "android.hardware.thermal@1.1-wahoo" depends on undefined module "hidl_defaults" error: frameworks/hardware/interfaces/sensorservice/1.0/vts/functional/Android.bp:17:1: "VtsHalSensorManagerV1_0TargetTest" depends on undefined module "hidl_defaults" ninja...
"libsurfaceflinger_unittest" depends on undefined module "display_intf_headers" Module "libsurfaceflinger_unittest" is defined in namespace "." which can read these 1 namespaces: ["."] Module "display_intf_headers" can be found in these namespaces: ["hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8998"] error...
How to link WS2_32.lib? How to location problems with L"Buffer is too small && 0" How to make a C++ program to run in the background? How to make a window always appear on top of other windows? How to make combobox readonly in mfc How to make controls invisible in VC++? How...
Worst case scenario, if it runs on the developer system but not on a system that you have deployed it to, then you could always run the application in a debugger on the developer system and see what libraries are actually loaded.This is a signature. Any samples given are not meant to ...
Describe the bug By default vite does not include any support for es module that import nodejs builtins module (like crypto, etc...) I tried to add the rollup-plugin-node-builtins plugin with option {crypto: true} but I had to set a name...
Worst case scenario, if it runs on the developer system but not on a system that you have deployed it to, then you could always run the application in a debugger on the developer system and see what libraries are actually loaded.This is a signature. Any samples given are not meant to ...