Depending on the future direction of the Multilateral Fund in regard to energy efficiency, a number of the lessons learned [...] 依据多边基金今后在能源高 效方面发展的方向, 许多在共同出资杠杆资金方面取得的许多经验教训也许可以在不远的将来被证明可促进执 行委员会、秘书处... 根據股份購回授權購回之股 份(視乎當時市場情況 及融資安排而定)可增加股份之價值及/或本公司之每股盈利, 且只在董事認為購回股份將有利於本公司及其股東之情況下方予進行。 The registration body was to take one of the following decisions, depending on the ...
Thebrittlenatureofsiliconturnsthedieintotheweakestpartofthe integratedcircuitcomplexobject,intermsofmechanicalproperties. Thisisobviouslyareliabilityconcernthatneedstobeaddressedat eachstepofthesupplychain,fromthewafersupplier,semiconductor fabrication,packageassembly,Tier1manufacturerassembly,tothe endcustomerapplication....
Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.ADODB, Version= on 64 bit windows 7 OS count complete month between two dates vb Count number of row in a specific datatable? Count Rows DataGrid Using VB.Net count the number of occurences of an element in an array Countdown timer in vb...
(serial generating ) :create a form contain two text box the first will bring my the Mac Address and the second will bring the serial number by using a function like f(x)= (X+2)*(x+5) depending on MAC Address , that's will change the make address to unique serial number for this...
block copolymer; self-assembly; nanostructures; phase behavior; small angle neutron scattering (SANS)1. Introduction Pluronic triblock copolymers (PEOmPPOnPEOm), which are one of representative amphiphilic molecules, have been of great interest for a large variety of phase behaviors and the self-...
It is well known that the fill factor of silicon solar cells is influenced by the recombination current and parasitic resistance. In order to clarify the effect of these factors on a fill factor, the double-diode model is generally used as a theoretical concept. In the double-diode model, ...
a thermal imaging camera was used to detect the temperature changes on the heat transfer surface of the car cooler as the coolant was heated and cooled. A thermal imaging camera can be used not only to investigate the cooling circuit, but also to detect malfunctioning of the brake circuit, ...
Table 1. Soil quality and biodiversity index based on physical and chemical properties of grassland topsoil. 3.2. Genomic Characteristics of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes According to Soil Quality In this study, biological gene diversity according to soil quality was analyzed in the topsoil of several ...