A similar analysis was performed to determine the effect of menopause on co-expression in females. Since the average age of menopause is 51 in women in the USA, we created a dummy variable for females > 50 years of age and < 50 years of age. Next, the co-expression analyses ...
Such studies have focused primarily on activating the TLR3 or TLR4 subtypes, to mimic immune responses to viral or bacterial infections, respectively. Here, we characterize the effects of prenatal activation of TLR7, which is implicated in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease. Prenatal TLR7 ...
因变量和自变量(Dependent variable and dependent variable)In a function relation, a particular number changes with the number of other (or other) variables that are called dependent variables. Such as: Y=f (X). This expression means that the Y varies with the X. Y is the dependent variable...
a variable in a functional relation whose value is determined by the values assumed by other variables in the relation, as y in the relation y = 3 x 2 . Compare independent variable ( def 1 ). Statistics. (in an experiment) the event studied and expected to change when the independent...
variabledependent自变量变量independentvariables 因变量和自变量(Dependentvariableanddependentvariable) Inafunctionrelation,aparticularnumberchangeswiththe numberofother(orother)variablesthatarecalleddependent variables.Suchas:Y=f(X).ThisexpressionmeansthattheY varieswiththeX.Yisthedependentvariable,andXisthe independen...
Dependent Variable Definition (Functions/Calculus). Adependent variableis a variable that depends on one or more other variables. In calculus, the dependent variable is the output of afunction. If you are given a simple formula, like y = x3, then y is a function of x (you can also say...
This article deals with the use and misuse of the correlation coefficient when the dependent variable is of a dichotomous 0,1 nature. It focuses particularly on problems relating to curvilinearity and the nature of the prediction being made. The prediction of consumer purchases from reported subject...
and they mediate the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.p.50(Education might be a mediator variable in that it explains why there is relation between SES and BSE) 干预或斡旋可变物站立在独立和因变量之间,并且他们在依赖variable.p.50斡旋独立变量的作用(教育也许是斡旋人可变...
Second, we noticed that the PSTHs were highly variable from trial to trial. This variability could reflect a low correlation between firing patterns and behavior. On the other hand, if neural responses are tightly locked to behavior, but the behavior itself is highly variable, we would expect ...
Factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the effects of the independent variables (housing condition, strain, sex, lever, session) and the interactions among these variables on the dependent variable lever pressing. Housing condition (isolated, enriched), strain (C57BL/6J, DBA/2...