The necessity for a computer to complete work on some job before execution of another can begin. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. dependency A subsidiary building near or adjoining a principal structure. ...
Residency: Dependents must generally reside in the same household as the primary insured individual. This ensures that the insurance coverage is provided to individuals who have a close relationship with the policyholder and share a common living arrangement. Financial Dependency: In some cases, health...
Due to the residency test for parents of dependents, a child of divorced or separated parents is the qualifying child of the custodial parent or a parent with primary custody who provides the child's support. The custodial parent: Has legal, physical, and financial custody of the child May ...
DHS gives employment authorization (EAD) to work in US for certain H4 Visa holders, whose spouse on H1B satisfies one of the below two : Have an approved I-140, which is theimmigration petition for foreign citizens to get Green Card or PermanentResidency in USA. Have H1B visa status ...
You must have a real relationship with your spouse, one that was not formed only for the purpose of obtaining permanent residency. Your relationship must be at least a year old. Child visa to bring dependent children to Canada The dependent visa allows sponsors to bring their children to Canad...
We therefore decided to simultaneously record LFPs and spiking activity of units within the BLA of mice subjected to contextual fear conditioning and extinction learning (Figs. 1a–b and 2d), using the same behavioral paradigm as in our previous study20. We found, consistent with our previous ...
KDE provides a way to interpolate object boundaries without bias by the random fluctuations of activated boundary fluorophores. In this study, the binarized PALM images of STING clusters were used for estimation of the residency time of single-molecules of TBK1-HaloTag7 inside the STING clusters ...
Schoenheimer, 1942). The subsequent discovery oflysosomesand the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) provided detailed insights into the molecular mechanisms of cellularprotein homeostasis. It is now well-established that proteins are extensively turned over, that this process is specific, and that the ...
Brain inflammation is a key cause of cognitive decline after central nervous system (CNS) infections. A thorough understanding of immune responses to CNS infection is essential for developing anti-inflammatory interventions that improve outcomes. Tissue-
To clarify the "vacuum cleaner" notion, we suggest that during its residency time in cellular membranes, the lateral movement of drugs from their point of insertion to transporters is governed by Brownian's diffusion, which allows the drugs/transporters interaction. Taking into account the ...