DSM 第四版《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》中的人格障碍诊断,包括依赖性人格障碍,由于存在以下问题而存在问题:诊断合并症过多,覆盖范围不足,心理功能正常的任意界限以及人与人之间的异质性同一类别内的个体诊断。 在DSM-5中,有一项标准可以使依赖型人格障碍具有八种特征。该疾病至少由以下五个因素指示: 没有他人过多...
DSM-5 refers to dependent personality disorder as a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, which leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation. This behavior begins by early adulthood and can be present in a variety of contexts. According to the DSM-5, the dis...
关于依赖型人格障碍,DSM5诊断准则如下: 自成年期初期阶段开始,一种广泛和过度地需要被关心造成顺服别人和黏人的行为及害怕分离,表现符合以下五项(或更多): 1. 若没有他人大量的建议和保证,便难以作出日常决定。 2. 需要他人为其大多数生活领域承担责任。 3. 因为害怕失去支持或赞同,而难以表示不同意见。 4. 难...
and feel that others are more equipped. They may feel devastated by loss and separation, and they may even suffer abuse to stay in a relationship. They may belittle themselves and their abilities and frequently refer to themselves asstupid. Other signs and symptoms, as cataloged by theDSM-5...
Dependent personality disorderAvoidant personality disorderDSMAlternative modelAlthough the diagnosis of dependent personality disorder (DPD) has demonstrated construct validity and clinical utility, little is known about how best to model DPD in the DSM-5's new, alternative......
Reconceptualizing personality pathology in DSM-5: limitations in evidence for eliminating dependent personality disorder and other DSM-IV syndromes. (paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, narcissistic, and dependent), because these syndromes purportedly have low clinical utility and minimal evidence for validity.....
(redirected fromdependent personality) Medical dependent personality disorder n. A personality disorder characterized by an extreme need for care, support, and approval from others, submissive behavior, and fear of being alone. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copy...
这样的描述继续出现在DSM-I中,它被归类在被动攻击疾患中的被动依赖亚型(passive-dependent subtypeofthepassive-aggressivedisorder)。在 DSM-II 中,依赖人格疾患包含在不当人格疾患(inadequatepersonality disorder)之下(在之后的章节中会详细讨论这一部分的人格)。
The new scale, the Dependent Personality Inventory, uses a dichotomous (True/ False) answer format and produces 8 subscales which correspond with the individual criterion of the disorder as defined by the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV-TR). The ...
While the line between a dependent personality and dependent personality disorder is sometimes unclear, the DSM requires at least five of the following: 1. Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. ...