如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。 lydiadragonfruit 2021年5月3日 英语(英国) 英语(美国) I depend on her —> a general statement, talking about their relationship as a whole I’m depending on her —> referring to a specific set of circumstances I am dependent on her —> using an adjectiv...
it depends on 和 depending on 和有什么不一样? 相同关键字的提问 I'm not sure. It depends on how it goes. 听起来自然吗? It might depend on me. (私次第なのかも) 听起来自然吗? depend on 和 rely on 和有什么不一样?瞩目的提问 Show more it rains a lot in the winter. 和 it rains...
Do you active on Lang-8 now?It would be happy to have you as my friend!I'll send you a ...
The thickness of the hypodermis varies depending on location, hormonal status, genetics, and functional requirements. In males, the hypodermis tends to be thicker in areas such as the lower back, abdomen, arms, and shoulders, primarily due to higher testosterone levels. On the other hand, in ...
Additionally, the 𝑆𝐶𝑅𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚SCRnorm was significantly modulated by the time variable in the-short term, depending on the considered odor condition (p = 0.024). In terms of the long-term effects, instead, only one EEG parameter, the 𝐴𝑠−𝐺𝐹𝑃𝛼As−GFPα, ...
A component for displaying input depending on other inputs values in Admin-on-rest - marmelab/aor-dependent-input
ThisMagicMirrorModule displays Clothes depending on the weather forecast and your personal preferences. By default it will show recommondations for the next ~8 hours and additional recommondations (8+5) for the following ~5 hours (for when you are planning on a after work meeting). ...
TGF-β1 dependent effects on AP activity by SB431542 are depending on time.Sabrina EhnertJohannes BaurAndreas SchmittMarkus NeumaierMartin LückeSteven DooleyHelen VesterBritt WildemannUlrich StöckleAndreas K. Nussler
C、Regression analysis can be classified depending on the number of variables. D、Regression analysis is omnipotent. 你可能感兴趣的试题 不定项选择 由于持续经营假设,产生了当期与以前期间、以后期间的差别,产生了权责发生制和收付实现制的区别。( ) ...
一般来说,根据密钥协议是否依赖可信第三方,一般的密钥协议方案可以分为中心控制方案和无中心控制方案.(a) In general,depending on whether a key protocol relies on a trusted third party,key protocol schemes can be classified into central control and non-central control schemes.(b) In general,according ...