69 Briefly, ChrRNA-seq reads were assigned to exons (considering exons coordinates) or pre-mRNA (considering whole transcripts coordinates) using featureCounts function from Rsubread R package107 with the following parameters: GTF.featureType = “exon”, GTF.attrType = “gene_id” and strand...
The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), an invasive agricultural pest, has significantly impacted crop yields across Africa. This study investigated the relationship between temperature and FAW life history traits, employing life cyc...
Altogether, these results indicate that even in the presence of bound HOX13 proteins, which are normally the essential factors for its activation, the II1 enhancer sequence recombined within T-DOM was unable to express its full potential. Indeed, only a weak remnant of a transcriptional activity ...
]. These discrepancies likely emerge through the combination of species-specific responses to density as well as experimental design. Density-dependence can be a signal to the level of competition individuals are likely to encounter in the future. Thus, immediate and delayed plastic responses to popu...
both C-DOM and T-DOM are used to form large transcription-hub condensates18,38, leading to a positive transcriptional outcome for C-DOM in distal limb cells, and a negative outcome for T-DOM, within the same cells, due to the inclusion of additional co-factors that are specific to each...
It is suggested that drones, if equipped with a form of ADS-B, could operate with fewer restrictions. Low power variants would likely be necessary to guarantee that manned aviation operating either in UTM or the broader National Airspace System would not be adversely affected. It is further ...
MD2-cherry and CnB-GFP partially overlapped, probably because there was not sufficient TLR4 for all of the over-expressed MD2 to form a complex. To further validate the importance of MD2 in CnB uptake, we knocked down MD2 with siRNA. Western blot (Fig. 6b) and fluorescence intensity ...
DepartmentofImmunology,WalterReedArmyInstituteofResearch,Sil6erSpring,MD,USA b DepartmentofPathology,TheUCLAMedicalCenter,LosAngeles,CA,USA c AquilaBiopharmaceuticalsInc.,Worcester,MA,USA Received17June2000;receivedinrevisedform15November2000;accepted23November2000 Abstract ThePlasmodiumfalciparumErythrocyteBindingAnt...
Optically addressable spins associated with defects in wide-bandgap semiconductors are versatile platforms for quantum information processing and nanoscale sensing, where spin-dependent inter-system crossing transitions facilitate optical spin initializa
HF bulge stem cells appear dispensable for the acute phase of wound re-epithelialization53, while at later phases of wound healing, many Lgr5 þ cell progeny migrate to form the neo-epidermis51; however, the role of Lgr5 þ cells in efficient wound repair has not yet been addressed. A...