These collective phenomena havedramatic social consequences, as they are authentic “col-lective delusions” [1], of which economic bubbles and thesubsequent crashes they produce are eloquent examples.The mechanism through which they appear is intuitive:sociable individuals tend to imitate the choices ...
Additional slices were stained only with secondary staining solutions to serve as non-specific secondary background staining. After secondary staining, sections were washed 6xPBS-T, 1xPBS, mounted on slides and allowed to dry at room temperature overnight. Coverslips were added and sealed with ...
3b,c). In contrast, the intensity of Mal3-Alexa647 did not change with Tea2 concentration (Fig. 3d). Fig. 3: Non-stoichiometric accumulation of Tip1 at microtubule plus-ends. a, Examples of individual Mal3, Tea2 and Tip1 intensity profiles at two different concentrations of Tea2 (20...
Drawing on examples from the α branch, the Alpha-1 adrenergic-Tango receptors (ADRA1A, 1B, 1D) all preferentially recruited β-arrestin-1 over β-arrestin-2 (~2-3 fold difference) at the basal level, whereas in the case of the Prostaglandin EP-Tango subfamily (PTGER1–4), different ...
The next result ensures the well-posedness of (1.1) with the Existence and uniqueness In this section, we investigate the existence and uniqueness of solutions to Eq. (1.1). Firstly, we will use the compactness method in the proof of [10, Theorem 8.1] to complete the proof of Theorem 2.1...
If a system is consistent and has an infinite number of solutions, it is a dependent system. If a system has a unique solution, then it is consistent and independent. Answer and Explanation: We are given the following system of equations: {eq}\begin{ali...
α-synMinduces significant changes in the firing frequency in neurons recorded within LDTF.(A)Representative examples of current-clamp recordings of LDT neurons in which action potentials were induced by holding the cell at -45 mV under control conditions (top) and in presence of α-synM. (bott...
These reformulations allow solutions of such problems using global optimization techniques within the framework of a cutting surface algorithm. The importance of decision dependence in the ambiguity set is demonstrated with the help of a numerical example modeling simultaneous determination of order quantity...
However, there are still no examples of mechanical explanations linking changes in these candidate factors to decreased olfactory sensitivity. This study found novel age-dependent changes. The aforementioned individual variability in the OC mucus amount was significantly correlated with age (rho = ...
Comparisons of measured relative fluorescence with calculated CF as in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 4 should not be over-interpreted to mean that the model parameters are close to the actual values. The shape of the CF-vs.-d curve depends only on the total m, and, in the examples illustrated...