To combine two independent clauses (complete sentences), use a semicolon ora comma and conjunction. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though...
A clause is a group of related words with a subject and a verb. Clauses are the building blocks of most sentences. Clauses may be independent or dependent. Whereas an independent clause may stand on its own as a complete sentence, a dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) ...
Adependent clause(also called asubordinate clause) is a clause that relies on the information from anindependent clauseto form a complete, logical thought. As such, it cannot stand on its own to form a sentence. There are three types of dependent clause:noun clauses,relative clauses(also cal...
Containsasubjectandverb,butdoesn’texpressacompletethought.IndependentClauses Independentclausescanbejoinedbycoordinatingconjunctionstoformcompoundorcomplexsentences.Conjunctionsinclude:And,but,or,nor,yet,soExample:“Thedooropened.”“Themanwalkedin.”“Thedooropenedandthemanwalkedin.”DependentClauses Dependent(...
It relies on an independent clause to form a complete sentence. In this article, we will explore the concept of dependent clauses and provide examples of how they are used in sentences. II. Types of Dependent Clauses There are three main types of dependent clauses: noun clauses, adjective...
There are two types of clauses: An independent clauses is a group of words that contains a subject and verb. Independent clauses are that express a complete thought. They can function as sentences. …
Independent clauses form complete thoughts, stand alone, and have subjects and predicates. Dependent clauses have subjects and predicates but also contain subordinators, which subordinates it to an independent clause to complete its meaning. What are some examples of independent and dependent clauses?
Sentence fragments are incomplete sentences. A fragment either lacks a subject or a verb, or it does not express a complete thought. Writers often mistakenly consider dependent clauses complete sentences because they contain subjects and verbs. However, dependent clauses do not express complete though...
we combine the independent clausesRabbits are quickandTurtles are slow, we get the sentenceRabbits are quick, but turtles are slow.Because both clauses can stand on their own as sentences, they each have equal importance in the new sentence. We are coordinating two complete sentences into one...
Why Dependent Clauses Are Important (Issue 1) Using a comma with a dependent clause (Rule 1) If your dependent clause is a fronted adverb, offset it with a comma. Whenthe egg whites have the consistency of shaving foam, stop whipping and add the vanilla essence. ...