1 1、打开百度官网,输入OWASP Dependency Check,点击百度一下按钮2、在查询结果中点击第一条结果,登录官网3、进入官网后,在右侧的Quick Download处点击Command Line进行下载4、弹出下载窗口,点击保存按钮5、下载成功后,会在下载路径下看到一个zip压缩包文件6、双击zip压缩包文件,能看到Dependency Check目录说明安装...
https://plugins.jenkins.io/dependency-check-jenkins-plugin/ 2、下载并配置 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # 下载 wget https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/releases/download/v9.0.9/dependency-check-9.0.9-release.zip # 解压并配置 cd/usr/local/ ...
$ VERSION=$(curl -s https://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck/current.txt) $ curl -Ls "https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/releases/download/v$VERSION/dependency-check-$VERSION-release.zip" --output dependency-check.zip On *nix...
dependency-check支持多种格式的文件:Zip archive format (*.zip, *.ear, *.war, *.jar, *.sar, *.apk, .nupkg); Tape Archive Format (.tar); Gzip format (*.gz, .tgz); Bzip2 format (.bz2, *.tbz2)。 使用dependency-check –help获取帮助信息。 2.3 作为项目插件使用 作为maven插件 这种方式...
从官方的github地址中下载最新版的dependency-check.zip https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/releases/download/v9.0.8/dependency-check-9.0.8-release.zip 解压到dcweb下: 进入第二层的dcweb下,找到settings.py 修改里面的内容,主要修改服务允许使用的IP,如果你想让网络中的其他主机也访问到你的服务,...
dependency-check has been deprecated in favor of the knip module dependency-check 4.1.0•Public• Published5 years ago dependency-check checks which modules you have used in your code and then makes sure they are listed as dependencies in your package.json, or vice-versa ...
$ VERSION=$(curl -s https://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck/current.txt) $ curl -s "https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/releases/download/v$VERSION/dependency-check-$VERSION-release.zip" --output dependency-check.zip On *nix ...
I am trying to run dependency check as a stage in jenkins file, but I have an error [DependencyCheck] Message: Unable to download the NVD CVE data. [DependencyCheck] org.owasp.dependencycheck.data.update.exception.UpdateException: Unable to download the NVD CVE data. [DependencyCheck] at or...
You don't want to create duplicate DescriptorWrapper objects, so you'll need to check whether a DescriptorWrapper has already been created for each particular dependency property first.As items are removed from the collection, you will want to abandon DescriptorWrapper objects that are no longer ...
Download Version 1.0 for PowerPC [260k] Dependency Walker is part of several Microsoft products, such as Visual Studio, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Windows 2000/XP/2003 support tools (on the Windows CD), Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003 Resource Kits, Platform SDK, Windows DDK, Windows SDK, and...