Modernization assumes that foreign capital is a necessary catalyst for transforming societies from traditional to modem. Challenges to the modernization paradigm culminated in dependency theory. Dependency theorists point to detrimental effects of foreign capital and domination (e.g., income inequality, ...
If you add into the scenario the existence of hundreds of customer sites each with their own technical teams performing system updates, you can start to see some aspects of the versioning challenges that can occur with multicomponent software projects. The possibility of such problems increases the...
[27] Cooke NJ, Lawless WF (2021) Effective Human-Artificial Intelligence Teaming, In Lawless, WF, Mittu, R, Sofge DA, Shortell T, McDermott, TA, Engineering Science and Artificial Intelligence, Springer. [28] Cummings J (2015) Team Science Successes and Challenges. National Science Foundatio...
Because our planetary and cultural challenges are absolutely dire, I want to see a difference now, before it’s too late. I may have to rely upon your optimism while mine builds, and while I write to try, with you, to convince others that we can do this thing. Because I do agree ...
Ridge N, Shami S, Kippels S (2015) Arab migrant teachers in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar: challenges and opportunities. In: Arab migrant communities in the GCC, summary report no. 12, Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar...
In dealing with financial time-series data, researchers often encounter challenges like structural breaks. Such enduring shocks, identifiable or not, can adversely affect statistical outcomes, leading to erroneous deductions (Ventosa-Santaulària and Vera-Valdés 2008; Enders and Jones 2016). The curren...
In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis “Global Food System: Opportunities and Challenges”, Virtual, 23–25 June 2021. [Google Scholar] Roson, R.; Damania, R. Simulating the Macroeconomic Impact of Future Water Scarcity: An Assessment of Alternative Scenarios; ...
This is one of the main challenges that can be singled out. The Relationship Between Social, Political, and Economic Underdevelopment Current difficulties that the country faces can be explained as a combination of different political, social, and economic factors that are closely related with one ...
"business as usual", repeating the credo of open societies and open markets, with the unchanged EU policy priority of reducing barriers to international flows of trade and investment: "Business as usual" is not an option. The challenges facing our Union are greater than before the recession. ...
and Propulsion SystemsAdvancements in Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Nuclear Energy for SustainabilityAdvances and Challenges in Cellulosic EthanolAdvances in Biomass for Energy TechnologyAdvances in Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles 2017Advances in Electrical Power Engineering—Select papers from...