Depeche Mode embarked on their most adventurous tour to date, enduring a grueling fifteen months on the road. Although the group had reached the pinnacle of success, aspects of the lifestyle had taken their toll on everyone and things eventually came to a head. In June 1995, having spent ...
's "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" came on while he'd been sleeping, and his reaction confirmed that '80s songs meant trouble. Depeche Mode's "Never Let Me Down Again," which came out in 1987, played on the radio during the episode's final scene, but we won't know until Jan. 2...
Dave Gahan heard the news only moments before he went onstage to sing at a Depeche Mode concert in Chile. Dave, too, had made a sad mess of his life as a heroin addict, but his first reaction wasn’t sympathy, or even relief that he had avoided this miserable end himself: ...