Feature request description It would be nice if this package could traverse monorepos without any configuration. Currently, it is necessary to create a depcheck configuration inside every package. For some reason lerna exec -- npx depche...
its lack of updates means it may not work well with modern tooling and frameworks. We strongly recommend switching to knip, a more actively maintained and feature-rich alternative. Knip provides better support for TypeScript, monorepos, and modern build tools, making it a more reliable choice ...
Better monorepo support feature #891 opened Jun 9, 2024 by incompletude False alerts for a dev dependency ts-node and database driver for postgresql bug #890 opened May 28, 2024 by santoshshinde2012 False positive with colon in multi-line comment bug #889 opened May 17, 2024 by E...
--quiet: Suppress the "No depcheck issue" log. Useful in a monorepo with multiple packages to focus only on packages with issues.--help: Show the help message.--parsers, --detectors and --specials: These arguments are for advanced usage. They provide an easy way to customize the file ...
Monorepo support? #349 peerDepdencies of a used package not considered #341 false alert on mocha-jenkins-reporter (cant seem to add help wanted label) #287 Symlinked files are ignored #256Merged pull requests:Jest support #351 (GarrettGeorge) Changes webpack regex to support 'webpack.conf...
Knip provides better support for TypeScript, monorepos, and modern build tools, making it a more reliable choice for keeping your project dependencies clean. Check out knip.devDepcheck is a tool for analyzing the dependencies in a project to see: how each dependency is used, which dependencies...