serviceBranchId: 1 = Air Force, 2 = Army, 3 = Coast Guard, 4 = Marines, 5 = Navy, 6 = NOAA, 7 = No Active Service, 8 = Public Health Service, 9 = Space Force, 10 = Other DischargeTypeId: 1 = Bad Conduct, 2 = Dishonorable, 3 = Convenience of Govt, 4 = Entry Level, 5 ...
The Veterans Administration (VA) is a huge government bureaucracy, responsible for hundreds of programs that affect active duty personnel and retirees. As such an enormous agency, different aspects of its operations fall under the responsibility of different agencies. So when things go wrong, you do...
includingthePrivacyAct1988.Yourpersonal informationmaybecollectedbytheDepartmentofVeterans’Affairs(DVA)forthedelivery ofgovernmentprogramsforwarveterans,membersoftheAustralianDefenceForce, membersoftheAustralianFederalPoliceandtheirdependants. Readmore:HowDVAmanagespersonalinformation Privavynotice Ifyoureceiveaservice...
History of the US Department of Defense Programs for the Testing, Evaluation, and Storage of Tactical Herbicides Early in 2006, the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) requested that the Department of Defense (DoD) provide: 'an official compilation of locations and d... Young, A. L 被引量...
Version:December2014 i RequestforTendersNo.[..insertnumber..] [..INSERTTITLE..] LodgementPlace: [InsertLodgementPlace–AusTenderand/or TenderBoxinformationeg] AusTender and/or TenderBox Attention:ProjectManagerRFTNo.xxxx DepartmentofVeterans’Affairs LovettTower 13KeltieStreet WodenACT...
(which was false apon checking with the department of veterans affairs), after leaving the bank and contacting TDameritrade, who assisted us in our efforts and spoke with Ms.David on our behalf we we're told we could use a credit card as a second form of ID, which was never an offer...
The Department of State offers domestic civil service career opportunities in Washington, D.C. and its offices across the nation. Applicants can choose from career fields such as foreign affairs, budget administration, public affairs, passport visa services and information technology management. State ...
Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Loyola University Maryland; Founding Executive Director, The Emilie Frances Davis Center for Education, Research, and Culture