Department of taxationmeans the Nevada Department of Taxation created bysection 11, Chapter 748, Statutes of Nevada 1975, being the successor infunctions of theNevadaTax Commission. Sample 1Sample 2 Department of taxationmeans thestate of Rhode Islandtaxation division, its employees, agents, or assig...
ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION AND CONGESTION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES DEPLOYMENT (ATCMTD) PROGRAM 1 Bob Arnold, Director Office of Transportation Management, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Florida Natural Gas Association June 18, 2014 | Boca Raton, FL Legal Mandates Florida House Bill 599 – Increasing...
Effective Date of House Bill 2437 The measure: –Does not contain an effective date –Becomes effective 90 days following the sine die adjournment of the Legislature pursuant to Article 5 § 58 of the Oklahoma Constitution –Becomes effective August 27, 2010 Entities subject to House Bill 2437 s...