Essential things to know before you visit Queensland’s parks and forests. Park management Provides information on management of protected areas, commercial tourism, permits, polices, fees and resources. Park alerts Track and facility closure notices, track and facility upgrade notices and up-to-date...
On 1 June 2021, the Environmental Protection (Great Barrier Reef Protection Measures) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2019 (Qld) (GBR Protections Regulation) entered into force, with the aim of strengthening and expanding GBR protection measures to improve the quality of water entering ...
*Dr Megan Robb, Emergency Department, The Townsville Hospital, PO Box 670, Townsville, Qld 4810, Australia. Email: Megan Robb, MB ChB (Otago), Emergency Medicine Registrar; Benjamin Close, MB BS, FACEM, Emergency Staff Specialist; Jeremy Furyk, MB BS, FACEM, Em...
If I was in your business and cared about customer satisfaction and making money, I'd make something that can compete. Or is it that you've all become so elevated that you feel you're above us and wouldn't bother wasting time or resources? After all, you're getting paid and still ...
I really need to stay away from them. I've been working with bodyweight calisthenics for a little over 10 years now and have had great success with getting strong and staying fit, but I wanted to fill out my shirt a little bit more for my wife. I searched the web for resources and...
high quality of care is associated with improved survival & health outcomes of elderly patients. The development of well-selected, validated and economical quality indicators will allow appropriate targeting of resources (financial, education or quality management) to improve quality in areas with maximum...
However, factors such as lack of resources for RACFs (e.g., RACF staffing, necessary equipment or supplies, primary care), lack of confidence in care that can be provided within RACF, inadequate care planning and communication, bureaucratic and legal concerns, and conflicting stakeholder preference...
Department of Environment and Resource Management Contact Details • Michael Boyle, Director, ICT Infrastructure – (07) 3330 4277 – – Responsible for: ICT • Mike Broadbent – (07) 3330 4286 – – Contact officer for: ICT ...
Email: Peter Carter, MBBS, Grad Cert Clinical Education, Emergency Registrar; Sheree Conroy, MBBS, FACEM, DEMT, Grad Cert Clinical Education, Emergency Physician, Senior Lecturer, Director of Clinical Training; Jade Blakeney, MBBS, BBiotech (Hons), PhD, ...