When I walked out the store, I went back in to take a picture of the sign over the outfit and they took it down. Everybody in the neighborhood complains about those employees in there. They are rude and disrespectful to the customers all the time Veronica Smith from Dallas, TX May ...
We knew this was *** because several of our friends have Verizon, and have great coverage. But we did as he suggested and was told that the neighborhood was already registered and that put problem must be with the phone. So now, here I sit writing to I know not who with a complaint...
He said he could not find the address and when he got in the neighborhood he rode past my house twice, after me giving him directions, I yelled to no avail. He called approx. 5 to 6 times saying he was in Havana and would be there shortly. I have had some unpleasant experiences ...