U.S. Department of Labor: Joint Employer Liability Expanded Even Further under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)Wang, Phillip
Copy SendReport DISCLAIMER: Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations. Attorney Advertising. ...
The NYS Department of Labor (DOL) issued an order dated January 14, 2021, that significantly modifies the administration of unemployment insurance charges to employer accounts. The order is intended to address increased costs for employers due to the unprecedented number of unemployment clai...
The Administration’s proposed rule would significantly limit the scope of goods eligible for the Section 321 de minimis program. Enhancing Transparency in De Minimis Shipments To assist in targeting problematic shipments and expediting the clearance of lawful shipments, the Administration will also ...
Here you will find information and services to help you interact with Colorado’s Unemployment Insurance Division. Whether you are a new or existing Colorado employer, we have combined all of our online services and resources in our online toolkit in on
Every human being usually thinks about the future, and the same applies to labor relations. Employers work hard to ensure that they earn a living and secure their future and those of their future generations.Answer and Explanation: Pension refers to the income accrued by an employer during ...
U.S. Department of Labor Proposes Sweeping Changes to FLSA Overtime Exemption Criteria: The Implications for Nonprofit EmployersBrian J. TuroffDavid A. KatzDouglas B. MishkinJeffrey S. Tenenbaum
labor instead of executive positions and responsibilities. You are underestimated if you are young, or a minority and are given the lowest or more degrading responsibility and titles they have. But mostly you're constantly reminded that you can be let go without cau...
decision may affirm, reverse, modify, or remand the deputy′s determination. if the employer is dissatisfied with the referee′s decision, it may carry the case through subsequent appeal stages to the missouri labor and industrial relations commission and then to the courts for a final decisi...
The management and monitoring of all landline and cellular telephones fall under the responsibility of the IT Program. Prior approval from the user’s supervisor is necessary for telephone lines, long-distance codes, data cards, and cell phones. To request the installation or addition of a line...