Prior to the deployment of JEDI-NG, JMD maintained an on-premises, highly customized financial database which did not support the entirety of the Departments financial, acquisition, and payroll reporting requirements. Multiple one-off legacy reporting systems were maintained to meet the reporting requi...
*OfficeoftheSolicitorGeneral Divisions *AntitrustDivision*CivilDivision*CivilRightsDivision*CriminalDivision*EnvironmentandNaturalResourcesDivision(ENRD)*JusticeManagementDivision(JMD)*NationalSecurityDivision(NSD)*TaxDivision Lawenforcementagencies Severalfederallawenforcement...
Privacy Act of 1974, System of RecordsThe Department of Justice (DOJ), Justice Management Division (JMD), proposes to modify the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Treatment and Referral Records, Justice/JMD-016, to correct typographical errors and add pre...