Reports on the solicitation by the United States Department of Justice's Office of Victims of Crime of applications for its fiscal year 2001 discretionary grant program. Funding for local victim assistance and compensation services; Total amount available for 2001; Areas covered by the solicitations....
The Department of Homeland Security today announced implementation of the Keeping Families Together process, which grants parole in place on a case-by-case basis to certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens. Key Points: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will begin accept...
More than $1.3 million inU.S. Department of Justicegrants will be used to improve public safety, serve victims of crime and support youth programs in S.C. tribal communities. “American Indian and Alaska Native communities experience rates of violent crime and domestic abuse that are among the ...
Department of Justice Canada Department of Labor department of linguistics department of local government department of mathematics department of music department of philosophy department of physics department of psychology department of sociology Department of State ...
Given extensive economic, educational, geographic, and criminal justice disparities across racial and ethnic groups, minoritized patients may face heightened financial hardships, transportation difficulties, caregiving responsibilities, or occupational limitations that translate to greater odds of DAMA...
This Canadian network is the first NCE4 administered by Laval University, where many Department of Geomatics Sciences researchers currently have research grants. Two research chairs (NSERC funding) complete this research structure: the Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Geomatics, and the Canada ...
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Caldwell reported receiving grants from the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and personal fees from Partners in Contraceptive Choice and Knowledge outside the submitted work. Dr Marsh reported receiving personal fees from...
Along with the freedom of speech, the First Amendment grants U.S. citizens the right to assemble and express one’s views through protesting. Throughout history, protests have played a crucial role in our democracy, from the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which sparked the American Revolution, to...
Justice Department Offers Grants for Victim AssistanceRead the full-text online article and more details about "Justice Department Offers Grants for Victim Assistance" by Rigsby, Deborah - Nation's Cities Weekly, Vol. 24, Issue 14, April 9, 2001Rigsby, Deborah...
Justice Department grants Gurnee wish to fund 3 new police officers.(News)Silvestri, Scott