Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Newgard reported receiving a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) outside the submitted work. Ms Cook reported receiving grants from the NICHD and the National Heart, Lung, and Bloo...
villages from catastrophe by fire, accident or health emergency and to lend aid where and when these events manifest themselves. It is our intent to carry out this mission in a timely and professional manner, with respect for our fellow members and the residents of Harmony, Rhode Island. ...
eTable 1. Definition of Patient Insurance Status eTable 2. Distribution of Included Visits by Primary and Secondary Expected Payers eTable 3. Study Hospital Characteristics 1. Health Care Financing Administration. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, as established under the Consolidate...
1. Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants for FASTLANE grants are (1) a State or group of States; (2) a metropolitan planning organization that serves an Urbanized Area (as defined by the Bureau of the Census) with a population of more than 200,000 individuals; (3) a unit of local gover...