Learn more about Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) (Australia)'s jobs, projects, latest news, contact information and geographical presence. The department’s purpose is to help make Australia stronger, safer and more p
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Mariola Janik, meanwhile, left a long and fruitful career in the government toworkfor TikTok. Starting out at the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Janik became a career diplomat in the State Department before moving to the Department of Homeland Security. In September, however, she left th...
(the creation of a post of Chief of Defence Staff),同时规定新生的印度国防参谋总长的级别定为四星上将( a four-star General ),同时在国防部内创设军务局(department of military affairs),由国防参谋总长兼任军务局秘书,他将成为为印度国防部长的首席军事顾问(the principal military adviser to the defence ...