Environmental ConservationUSDAUnited States Department of AgricultureAPHISAgriculture Plant and Health Inspection ServiceThis article evaluates whether the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation may issue permits to cull nuisance deer that, by their terms, implici...
Eric Walter
New York Department of Environmental Conservation regs rub builders the wrong wayDavid Winzelberg
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Online Licensing System You will need a valid Driver's License in order to purchase a license through our online system. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express for payment of your licenses, donations and other purchases. Licenses, ...
Interns Employer Description New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) was created to conserve, improve and protect New York's natural resources and environment and to prevent, abate and control water, land and air pollution, in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare ...
The Prudhoe Bay oil fields and Trans-Alaska Pipeline have caused an average of 409 spills annually on the North Slope between 1996 and 1999, says the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. A wide variety of substances, ranging from acid to waste oil, are spilled during routine operatio...
departmentyorkurdaconservationrespondentenvironmental NEWYORKSTATEDEPARTMENTOFENVIRONMENTALCONSERVATIONIntheMatterofAllegedViolationsoftheEnvironmentalConservationLawoftheStateofNewYork(ECL)Article17,andtheNewYorkStateNavigationLawArticle12,by366AvenueYDevelopmentCorporation,Respondent.RulingonMotionforDefaultJudgmentDECCaseNo:...
No matter what you come up with you are going to need a plan. And you are going to need it soon. That is why on August 14th the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is hosting a webinar on How to Plan a Pumpkin Smash Event for Youth Community. ...
No matter what you come up with you are going to need a plan. And you are going to need it soon. That is why on August 14th the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is hosting a webinar on How to Plan a Pumpkin Smash Event for Youth Community. ...
N.Y. Department of Environmental Conservation extends Hooker Chemical comment periodDavid Winzelberg