Permanent Rules Filed August 15, 2012 2(2) The department will continually monitor the allocation of grants to ensure that the total amount of grants awarded does not exceed the amounts available in the Renewable Energy Development subaccount within the Clean Energy Deployment Fund. (3) If the...
Performance and Accountability for Grants in Energy (PAGE). The Performance and Accountability for Grants in Energy (PAGE) system is a tool developed by Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program. The site provides DOE and grantees, including state...
We are very pleased that two of the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs in which AES is participating were selected by the DOE to receive grants. “These announcements, together with our joint venture in North Texas with Air Products, consolidate AES’ position as one of the leaders in producing Gree...
The UK Government believes that Scotland’s growing renewable electricity sector requires a robust, timely and proportionate consenting process which meaningfully involves communities and relevant planning authorities in decision-making. The Scottish Government grants consents to electricity... ...
Patent and Trademark Office Database,Patent Office- the government bureau in the Department of Commerce that keeps a record of patents and trademarks and grants new ones Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Yijiao is the Chair of Macquarie University (MQ) Women in Engineering, Co-Direactor of MQ-Jilin University Joint Research Centre for Green Catalysis, and Chief Investigator of ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub (ITRH) and MQ Sustainable Energy Research Centre. Since joining MQ as a Senior...
Hensen is the (co)author of some 100 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, several articles in national journals and 5 book contributions. He obtained the prestigious VENI-STW NWO and VIDI-STW NWO grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research for his research work in...
(1 cent per kilowatt hour for most biomass, small irrigation, landfill gas, trash, hydropower, and marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy facilities). The ITC for energy property equals 30 percent of the eligible cost of qualified energy property placed in service during the year (10 percent ...
Energy Mater., and Nano Energy (Researcher ID:; Google Scholar: According to ISI’s Essential Science Indicators (ESI), Jianhua Hao is listed as one of Most Cited Scientists in Materials...
—Office of Surface Minining Reclamation and Enforcement: Provided more than $300 million inAbandoned Mine Lands grantsto states and tribes. —Bureau of Ocean Energy Management: Held aregion-wide oil and gas lease salein the Gulf of Mexico, yielding $124.7 million in high bids on 815,403 acr...