U.S. Department of Education Announces Proposed Rulemaking under FERPAhereJulie C. FayGwen J. Zittoun
Along with funding, the Department of Education plays a key role in oversight and federal rulemaking. The DOE’s Office of Civil Rights investigates alleged discrimination complaints at colleges and K-12 schools. It’s unclear how such complaints would be handled if the agency were to shut down...
CaliforniaDepartmentofEducationExecutiveOfficeSBE-003(REV.06/2008)clab-sad-mar10item05 ITEM#27 CALIFORNIASTATEBOARDOFEDUCATIONMARCH2010AGENDA SUBJECTStandardizedTestingandReportingProgram:ApproveCommencementofRulemakingProcessforAmendmentstotheCaliforniaCodeofRegulations,Title5,Sections850Through868. Action Information ...
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (ED)OFFICE OF POST SECONDARY EDUCATIONTranscription for NegotiatedRulemakingSessions and Public Hearings2012Deliverable 4: Transcription of Public Hearingheldin the 8thFloorConference Room locatedat1990 K Street N.W., Washington, D.C.on May31, 2012The public hearings began as ...
President-elect Donald Trump has a vision for education that revolves around a single goal: to rid America’s schools of perceived “wokeness” and “left-wing indoctrination.”
Ramaswamy, a businessman and author, ran for Republican presidential nominee and campaigned to reduce federal jobs, deregulate the government and shut down government agencies, including the Department of Education, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service. He also c...
“Making meetings about the financial stability of colleges private and closed to the public – with representatives and protocols largely under your Department's control – only raises further questions about the Department's intentions in the forthcoming rulemaking process,” the Democ...
Department of Education official hired straight out of the for-profit college sector helped dismantle regulations designed to protect students defrauded by for-profit colleges into taking out five-figure loans on promises that they would get good jobs — a move that could benefit his former ...
A common practice for agencies in this situation, including the DOL in the past, is to appeal the adverse ruling while simultaneously undertaking a new rulemaking during the pendency of that appeal. Sometimes the agency asks, and typically the court will agree, to stay the appeal while the ...
For complex rulemakings, the process typically takes two or three years. And opponents can sue. Almost 80 percent of the first Trump administration's regulatory actions were defeated in court, the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law estimated. Tyin...