Rebecca Yanisch is named new head of trade; The real estate executive will lead the Department of Trade and Economic Development.(NEWS)Whereatt, Robert
Policy Consultation on Strengthening the Capacity of Foresight for Science, Technology, and Innovation(STI) Strategic Planning in Vietnam 2019-2020 The Vietnamese government has emphasized science, technology, and innovation (STI) as the most important keys for implementing the SocioEconomic Developmen....
Leaf spot is the most significant disease on sugar beet and it causes the highest economic damages through the decrease in yield and the content of sugar in root. Keeping a healthy leaf and preventing the development of the fungus Cercos... M Aqaei Zadeh,MH A`Ziz Pur,M Moharram Zadeh,....
doi:10.1111/j.1759-3441.1966.tb00663.xCiteSeerXR. WanzenbergPetra IiPetra Iii ParametersBeam ParametersBeam OpticsBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSusanne OwenBlackwell Publishing LtdEconomic Papers A Journal of Applied Economics & Policy
Planned Agriculture development started since 1960s and farming had remained as one of the mainstays of Bhutanese populace with over 57.2% of them depending on agriculture for livelihood. The agriculture system has also evolved over time; gradually transitioning to commercial production from that of ...
SOME MEASURES TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF STATE BUDGET RECOVERY MANAGEMENT FOR THE MEDICAL SECTOR IN VIETNAM NOWADAYS State budget revenues and expenditures for the health sector are a diversified and complicated content that has a great impact on socio-economic developmen... Vo Quang Hop - Europe...