Its purpose is to identify all approved Department of Defense (DD) forms. Part I, Numerical Listing, is a sequential listing of currently approved DoD forms and related management data. This part has been expanded to include the individual point of contact information for the proponent office of...
Forms(Paper)Management information systemsCodingControlInternalNumerical methods and proceduresReportsSymbolsThis list is issued under the authority of DoD Instruction 5000.21, Forms Management Program, December 5, 1973. Its purpose is to identify all approved Department of Defense (DD) forms. Part I, ...
It is divided into two subparts, as follows: Subpart IIA, Index of Major Subject Groups, is a listing of numerical codes assigned to subject matter as designated in DoD 5025.1-I, Department of Defense Directives Systems. Subpart IIB, DD Forms by Subject Numbers, is a listing of DD forms...
Forms(Paper)Department of DefenseOffice equipment and suppliesTables(Data)This list applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the military departments, the organizations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Defense Agencies. Abbreviations and form management offices are provided. The list ...
Department of defensePoliciesManagement planning and controlReportsInstructionsInventory controlForms(Paper)This list is issued under the authority of DoD Instruction 7750.7, 'DoD Forms Management Program,' May 31, 1990, and supersedes DoD 7750.7-L, 'Listing of Approved Department of Defense (DD) ...
Department of DefenseTables(Data)This list identifies all approved Department of Defense (DD) Forms. It contains a Numerical Listing and Subject Listing, by Category Codes, an Alphabetical Listing, and DD Forms Associated with Reports plus Canceled DD Forms.Sanders, L. G...