Technology transferResearch managementDepartment of defenseCommerceManagement information systemsContract administrationMilitary researchIndustrial researchDefense industryThe Army, Navy, Air Force, and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization hereafter referred to as DoD Components, invite small business firms and ...
Department of defenseManagement information systemsManagement planning and controlData transmission systemsCost estimatesYear 2000 (Y2K) is the term used to describe the potential failure of information technology (IT) systems prior to, on or after January 1, 2000. This potential exists because of the...
Dep’t of Defense v. FLRA, 114 S. Ct. 1006 (1994), that where employees have a privacy interest in Privacy Act-protected information a labor union seeks from the employing agency, the agency must withhold that information unless the general public’s interest in disclosure of the information...
Take Two: Defense Department Issues a Second Proposed Rule Regarding the Protection of Export-Controlled Information and TechnologyBeth PetersDavid W. BurgettStephen F. PropstAjay KuntamukkalaDownload PDF
Achieving a Cost-Effective Balance in the Department of Defense: Concurrent and Proportional Recapitalization of the Air National GuardHistoryurologyartanatomyhumanspenisscienceWhen Desert Storm kicked off, we had some great capability within the Air National Guard and the......
LAWSUIT SEEKS TO HALT CONSTRUCTION OF BIOLOGICAL WARFARE FACILITY : Defense Department accused of stockpiling enough deadly botulism to kill millions of people.doi:10.1089/blr.1984.3.270.Biotechnology Law Report
Department of DefensePolitical negotiationsMilitary budgetsProcurementCongressThe DoD Congressional Action Appropriation report is a track by line item of the DoD Budget throughout the congressional action process to include House & Senate Appropriations committee actions, and Conference (enacted appns) ...
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARD JOINT MODULAR INTERMODAL CONTAINERdoi:MIL MIL-STD-3028MIL MIL-STD-3028为联合模块化多式联运集装箱(JMIC)建立了通用设计指南和相关测试,JMIC是国防部使用的一种运输配置.对于本文件的其余部分,JMIC指符合本标准要求的任何容器,配置或平台.具体JMIC的最终要求将由单独的性能...
Lapel Button, The Spirit of Hope Award, U.S. Department of Defensedoi:MIL MIL-DTL-11484/366