Mountains of the Moon University(MMU) in partnership with GIZ facilitated three members of staff with the aim of increasing capacity in the Banking and Micro finance Department. MMU staff successfully completed the one year training in agriculture finance from the famous Kenya School of Monetary Stud...
** WE'RE HIRING! **CLICK HERE FOR INFO ON JOB OPENINGS! "No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it." -- Theodore Roosevelt Comanche County, Oklahoma ...
OfficeofStrategicInitiatives,Partnerships,andOutreach JobOpenings Background ThemissionoftheFoodandNutritionService(FNS)istoreducehungerandfoodinsecurityinpartnershipwithcooperatingorganizationsbyprovidingchildrenandneedypeopleaccesstofood,ahealthfuldiet,andnutritioneducationinamannerthatsupportsAmericanagriculture.Amongthe15pr...