The article focuses on the governmental regulatory failures associated with the Kentucky Medicaid Program (KMAP) of the Kentucky Department of Medicaid Services (DMS) and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS). It mentions that a private auditing company Optum Insight has been hired for...
After Medicaid expansion in Kentucky, use of hospital emergency departments for dental conditions increased. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016;35(12):2268-2276. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2016.0976 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 28. Laniado N, Badner VM, Silver EJ. Expanded Medic...
What to know about Medicaid as Republicans consider cuts Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for people with low incomes or disabilities, touches millions of Americans and has become deeply woven into the U.S. health care system. ...
Methods: Administrative billing data for emergency department visits and inpatient hospitalizations in acute care facilities with a discharge date from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 were used to characterize cannabinoid poisoning events in Kentucky, identified by ICD-10-CM diagnosis code T40.7X...
WINisexcludedinSNAPandMedicaidandforSNAP,thefamilyiscategoricallyeligible FamiliesmaynotreceiveWIN,FAD,orK-TAPconcurrentlyandWINisnotaTANFmonth ToQualifyforWIN AdulthouseholdmembermustBediscontinuedwithcountableearningsBetimelyinthereport/verifofearningsHaveeligiblechildinhomeBeemployedHave...
Ford R. Hospital Closures and Medicaid Shifts Took Toll on NYC’s Health. New York, NY: City Limits; 2017. 24. Wishner J, Solleveld P, Rudowitz R, Paradise J, Antonisse L. A look at rural hospital closures and implications for access to care: three case studies. Kaiser Family Founda...
A congresswoman from New Hampshire asked the U.S. government Tuesday to clarify how families can obtain coverage under the federal health insurance law when children are eligible for Medicaid but their parents are not. Parents in New Hampshire, California and Florida have been surprised to lea...
Special Education Student Information System Project New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project 1 SESIS BROWN BAG SESSIONS Request for Assistance for School Support 2 Today’s Agenda Defining the Request for Assistance Process in SESIS Selecting...
Methods: Administrative billing data for emergency department visits and inpatient hospitalizations in acute care facilities with a discharge date from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 were used to characterize cannabinoid poisoning events in Kentucky, identified by ICD-10-CM diagnosis code T40.7X...
Divergence in Contributing Factors for Suicide Among Men and Women in Kentucky: Recommendations to Raise Public Awareness. Objectives. The primary purpose of this study was to compile demographic information from 1999 to 2005 on suicides and examine specifically toxicology diff... Walsh,Sabrina - 《Pu...