The positive impact of stopping smoking is immediate. For those who quit, after just a few weeks lung function increases by up to 10% and circulation improves, and the risk of heart attack is half that of a smoker after one year of quitting. The person who quits today is the person who...
In 2001, the price of a barrel of crude oil topped out at $32.21. However, after the terrorist attacks, as people began fearing that imports from Middle Eastern countries would be curtailed,the price of oil shot upand has never returned to that low. As of August 2021, the price for a...
It is that underpinning desire to become better which makes us say “just one more lap” over and over again for the next half an hour or more. These are just a few examples of what makes us keep firing up our computers and head out behind the wheel. But how about you? What is yo...