And, we have information on how to take down all formes of Deoxys as well with Normal Forme Deoxys Counters, Defense Forme Deoxys Counters and Speed Forme Deoxys Counters to help you whatever version you encounter. How to get Shiny Attack Forme Deoxys in Pokemon Go Trainers will also have...
The next Pokémon we recommend is Chandelure, a Fire and Ghost-type Pokémon. While a handful of Chandelure’s attacks are Fire-type, they can be useful to build up its more useful charged moved, Shadow Ball, and do some heavy damage to Deoxys Defense Forme. The best moveset to give Cha...
The leftover 4 EVs are dropped into Defense to grant Genesect a Special Attack boost, which will allow Deoxys-S to tank U-turn better. Feel free to move the 252 EVs from Attack to HP to increase Deoxys-S's bulk, and it doing so, use Stealth Rock in Fire Punch's moveslot. Deoxys...