2. 静脉 人体医学专业英语词汇_专业词汇_专业英语... ... ( 素食者 ) vegan (静脉)deoxygenated blood( 胰液 ) lipase ... www.foodmate.net|基于7个网页 3. 血系缺氧的血 无错,其实血系红色,而系静脉内的血是一种深红/紫红色,因为静脉所带的血系缺氧的血(deoxygenated blood),氧含量比较 … ...
Here is a small hematoma under the toenail following trauma, which has a bluish appearance from the deoxygenated blood within it. 这是趾甲下面损伤引起的小血肿。由于是静脉血而使其呈现蓝色。 www.binglixue.com 5. It is Bright red when combined with oxygen and purple-Blue in the deoxygenated st...
In particular for oxygen saturated blood the absorption spectrum shows two peaks: the first one which is more pronounced corresponds to the surface plasmons resonance (SPR) of GNPs is located in the visible- near infrared band and the second one which is smaller is located near the UV-blue ...
Here is a small hematoma under the toenail following trauma, which has a bluish appearance from the deoxygenated blood within it. 这是趾甲下面损伤引起的小血肿。由于是静脉血而使其呈现蓝色。 www.binglixue.com 5. It is Bright red when combined with oxygen and purple-Blue in the deoxygenated st...