However, upfront costs of this therapy are high, and the income of elderly edentulous populations is low. Objectives: This study was designed (i) to measure the preferences of edentulous patients for mandibular two-implant overdentures using Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) and Willingness-To-Accept (...
Policymakers should exclude wealthy individuals and offer subsidy only to low-income elderly individuals with missing teeth who are in dire need of financial support to improve their dental health.Chu, Kuan-YuBMC Health Services Research
Policymakers should exclude wealthy individuals and offer subsidy only to low-income elderly individuals with missing teeth who are in dire need of financial support to improve their dental health.doi:10.1186/s12913-022-07504-6Chu, Kuan-Yu
The parameter associated with the presence of funding was country income (P<.01), with those having a high and upper-middle income being more funded than those with a lower-middle and low income. Oceania and South America were the continents more frequently funded (P<.05), with Africa ...
The parameter associated with the presence of funding was country income (P<.01), with those having a high and upper-middle income being more funded than those with a lower-middle and low income. Oceania and South America were the continents more frequently funded (P<.05), with Africa ...