Dentons is a global law firm driven to provide you with the competitive edge in an increasingly complex and interconnected marketplace. We were formed by the March 2013 combination of international law firm Salans LLP, Canadian law firm Fraser Milner Cas
Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP (大成) is Dentons' preferred law firm in China. { "heading": "Key contacts", "swipeData": ["",""], "localSubHeading":"", "localSearchPlaceholder":"", "globalHideSeeFullTeam": 0, "Donotdisplaylocalkeycontacts": true, "globalContactLimit": "0", "loa...
Dacheng Law Offices was a multinational law firm headquartered in Beijing, China. In November 2015, Dacheng merged with the global law firm Dentons. At the time of the merger, Dacheng was the largest China-based law firm measured by number of lawyers. 大成律师事务所是一家总部设在中国北京的跨...
据多家法律媒体报道,国际律所Dentons于本周二发表声明称其已经和在中国的分支机构,北京大成律师事务所(Beijing Dacheng Law Offices)分道扬镳,以下是一些详细情况。 大成和总部位于美国的Dentons于2015年合并,缔造了一家在当时拥有6,600名律师的超级大所。其中,大成的律师数超过了4,000人。 两家律所以Dentons的瑞士法...
Dodillet, LaurenChina Business Review
除了上述5家进入前一百的律所以外,尚有另外5家国内律所进入了全球200榜单,依次为,德恒律师事务所(DeHeng Law Offices,并列第113位)、国浩律师事务所(Grandall Law Firm,并列第113位)、君合律师事务所(JunHe,第174位)、京师律师事务所(Jingsh Law Firm,第184位)以及方达律师事务所(Fangda Partners,186...
除了上述5家进入前一百的律所以外,尚有另外5家国内律所进入了全球200榜单,依次为,德恒律师事务所(DeHeng Law Offices,并列第113位)、国浩律师事务所(Grandall Law Firm,并列第113位)、君合律师事务所(JunHe,第174位)、京师律师事务所(Jingsh Law Firm,第184位)以及方达律师事务所(Fangda Partners,186位)。
Our presence in the Middle East is among the largest of any international law firm and spans the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt and our offices collaborate closely both across the region and internationally. With over 50 years of experience in these markets, our lo...
除了上述5家进入前一百的律所以外,尚有另外5家国内律所进入了全球200榜单,依次为,德恒律师事务所(DeHeng Law Offices,并列第113位)、国浩律师事务所(Grandall Law Firm,并列第113位)、君合律师事务所(JunHe,第174位)、京师律师事务所(Jingsh Law Firm,第184位)以及方达律师事务所(Fangda Partners,186位)。
As the world's largest law firm, we have to think about our clients, people, suppliers, impact, policies and protocols across many markets. We know that many of our clients face the same challenge. View a selection of the global solutions we have created that can help your organization hav...