大成在全球拥有逾10,000 名律师,服务超过70个国家,业务遍及加拿大、美国、欧洲、英国、中东、非洲、澳洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区以及整个亚太地区,为客户提供丰富的本土经验,帮助他们在各个地区开展业务或解决争议。 Dentons Law Firm With more than 10,000 lawyers serving more than 70 countries, Dentons offers c...
Dacheng Law Offices was a multinational law firm headquartered in Beijing, China. In November 2015, Dacheng merged with the global law firm Dentons. At the time of the merger, Dacheng was the largest China-based law firm measured by number of lawyers. 大成律师事务所是一家总部设在中国北京的跨...
Dentons表示,大成律师事务所“将不再是Dentons集团的成员,而是作为一个完全独立的法律实体运营。”大成将是Denton在中国的首选律所(Preferred Law Firm)。Dentons将继续与大成律师事务所合作,并向其推荐客户,以满足Dentons在中国和80多个开展业务的国家的客户需求。不过,Dentons的香港办事处将继续作为Dentons自身的一部分存在。
This is why we organize the content on our website around these themes. Our practice, industry and sector groups work together to meet client goals and we also have a number of advisory and consultancy solutions that complement the services you might typically associate with a law firm....
Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP (大成) is Dentons' preferred law firm in China. { "heading": "Key contacts", "swipeData": ["",""], "localSubHeading":"", "localSearchPlaceholder":"", "globalHideSeeFullTeam": 0, "Donotdisplaylocalkeycontacts": true, "globalContactLimit": "0", "loa...
除了上述5家进入前一百的律所以外,尚有另外5家国内律所进入了全球200榜单,依次为,德恒律师事务所(DeHeng Law Offices,并列第113位)、国浩律师事务所(Grandall Law Firm,并列第113位)、君合律师事务所(JunHe,第174位)、京师律师事务所(Jingsh Law Firm,第184位)以及方达律师事务所(Fangda Partners,186位)。
As the world's largest law firm, we have to think about our clients, people, suppliers, impact, policies and protocols across many markets. We know that many of our clients face the same challenge. View a selection of the global solutions we have created that can help your organization hav...
除了上述5家进入前一百的律所以外,尚有另外5家国内律所进入了全球200榜单,依次为,德恒律师事务所(DeHeng Law Offices,并列第113位)、国浩律师事务所(Grandall Law Firm,并列第113位)、君合律师事务所(JunHe,第174位)、京师律师事务所(Jingsh Law Firm,第184位)以及方达律师事务所(Fangda Partners,186位)。
除了上述5家进入前一百的律所以外,尚有另外5家国内律所进入了全球200榜单,依次为,德恒律师事务所(DeHeng Law Offices,并列第113位)、国浩律师事务所(Grandall Law Firm,并列第113位)、君合律师事务所(JunHe,第174位)、京师律师事务所(Jingsh Law Firm,第184位)以及方达律师事务所(Fangda Partners,186位)。
Turkey: Dentons law firm adds 9 to competition practiceCPI Journal