145 North Jackson Avenue, San Jose, CA 95116 (61) Dr. Pannu, Dr. Khaled, Dr. Phan, Dr. Zaghi, , and their staff are dedicated to providing you with a pleasant visit and results that you’re proud to show off. Our administrative staff is ready to help you with questions about sc...
Jackson, T.N.; Morgan, J.P.; Jackson, D.L.; Cook, T.R.; McLean, K.; Agrawal, V.; Taubman, K.E.; Truitt, M.S. The crossroads of posttraumatic stress disorder and physician burnout: A national review of United States trauma and nontrauma surgeons.Am. Surg.2019,85, 127–135. ...
Siegel, J.D.; Rhinehart, E.; Jackson, M.; Chiarello, L. Health Care Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Health Care Settings. Am. J. Infect. Control. 2007, 35, S65–S164. [Google Scholar] ...
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