Operative dentistry for the childdoi:10.1016/S0099-6963(32)80110-9M. O. TurrentineElsevier Inc.International Journal of Orthodontia, Oral Surgery and Radiography
I had not been to the dentist in a very long time. My teeth are not in great shape. I was treated with respect and dignity. Michelle was awesome. I was terrified just being there. She was kind and very sensitive to how I was feeling. After my cleaning, I met Dr. Tinker. He was...
Teledentistry is used in many countries to provide oral health care services. However, using teledentistry to provide oral health care services for older adults is not well documented. This knowledge gap needs to be addressed, especially when accessing a dental clinic is not possible and tele...
A correction is presented to the article "Validation of an online version of the rapid estimate of adult literacy in dentistry-30 for use by medical and dental students in Nigeria" published in a previous issue of the periodical.Afolabi, Abayomi Abdul-Afeez...
Draft Document - Dentistry - Implants - Dynamic fatigue test for endosseous dental implants (ISO/DIS 14801:2006); German version prEN ISO 14801:2006doi:DIN EN ISO 14801-DRAFT
and internal reliability among medical and dental students in Nigeria.#The eREALD-30 required participants to identify if each of the listed words were related to dentistry by ticking either a 'yes' or 'no' response with the option to mark 'don't know' for words they were unsure about. ...
Demonstration kit for mechanical dentistrydoi:US2333795 ADukas Max OErnest KellermanUSUS2333795 * Dec 23, 1941 Nov 9, 1943 Dukas Max O Demonstration kit for mechanical dentistryUS2333795 * 1941年12月23日 1943年11月9日 Dukas Max O Demonstration kit for mechanical dentistry...
For these purposes, PMMA is melt compounded with TiO2, SiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles and then injection molded. The results of mechanical tests revealed that by addition of TiO2 and SiO2, the impact strengths of PMMA were increased 229% and 62%, respectively. Also, the results indicated a ...
Suggestions on how to use bibliographic references for dealing with curricular strategies. History of Cuba II. DentistryRosa Elena Tennyson CantilloAndrea Margarita Hernández SalgadoSol ngel Rosales ReyesMagalys Clark SilotMauricio González RuizMahely Olivera Valdés...
pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry (ed 3): neidle ea, yagiela ja (eds), with 23 contributors. st louis, mo, mosby, 1989, 756 pages, 233 illustrations-药理学和治疗学牙科(ED 3):数Neidle EA,Yagiela JA(EDS),23贡献者.莫斯,圣路易斯,密苏里州,1989年,756页,233插图-知来论文发表中心...