A dental assistant can expect to earn a median salary of $35,390 according to statistics provided by the Bureau of Labor in 2014. However, salaries may range as high as $49,540. The salary earned in this career vary by location, experience, and education/training. In most instances, the...
Dental Assistant vs Dental Hygienist Staff members in a lab take impressions of patients’ teeth to use as molds. These help workers to create custom appliances like mouth guards, implants, and bridges. Once completed, dental technicians ensure these fit properly inside the mouth. They also make...
Montana, Wyoming, and Arizona. Similar projects are wrapping up in Illinois, Michigan, Virginia, and New York. Beyond assessment, education, and preventive care,primary care providersrefer patients to on- or off-site dentists, or work with embedded dental hygienists as ...
State regulations vary on which services hygienists can provide without supervision from a dentist. In Colorado, Cuzella can, among other things, independently perform X-rays and apply silver diamine fluoride, a tool to harden teeth and slow decay. She does all this in a cozy corner office. ...