Dental Hygiene Education about Special Needs Patients - A National SurveyM.J. DEHAITEM
A dentist plays a vital role to keep our oral health sound and hygiene. People who build the habit of visiting the dentist on a regular basis like after every 3 months, 6 months, 8 months, or annually; they have the maximum chance of keeping their oral health well maintained. As the d...
Lisa F. Mallonee,BSDH, MPH, RD, LDDallas, Texas Speaker Bio ProgramsLancette VanGuilder, BS, RDH, PHEDH, CEASSparks, Nevada Speaker Bio ProgramsAward-Winning ProductsSign up for Email * Submit Get innovative and inspiring news from Premier sent to your inbox. Try VeneerNow™ Get a ...
March 10:Dental assisting students from Concorde Career College in Dallas, Texas will visit the PDS Dallas Support Center in Dallas, TX to attend a PDS CAD/CAM boot camp. Materials for this event were also generously donated by Dentsply Sirona. March 11:The PDS Foundation, a ...
A Predictive Model of Dental Hygiene National Board SuccessS.M. MAURIELLO
Periodontal- Oral-Systemic Education in U.S. Dental Hygiene CurriculaH. JARED