Start by getting toothpaste made specifically for dogs—human toothpaste contains toxic ingredients for our pets. Gently introduce your dog to having his teeth brushed by practicing with a finger brush or cloth in circular motions around their mouth. Once comfortable, move on to a pet toothbrush t...
Abscesses Oral lumps or tumors Our veterinarians will develop a customized plan of prevention or treatment based on what is found during the doggie dental exam at your next visit. Dog Dental Treatments The dog dental care services provided here at Newport Harbor Animal Hospital begin with an exa...
Without proper dental care, your pet will most likely suffer from bad breath, inflamed gums, missing, loose, or broken teeth, and all of the pain and discomfort such problems can cause. Dental disease can also lead to systemic health problems in dogs and cats. The good news, however, is...
Carnassial tooth abscess (Dental Fistula) and its surgical management in five dogsRakesh AdepuRaghavender KBPGirish Kumar
abscesses or infected teeth 口腔囊肿或肿瘤 cysts or tumors in the mouth 牙齿咬合不正 malocclusion, or misalignment of the teeth and bite 颌裂 broken (fractured) jaw 腭裂 palate defects (such as cleft palate) 牙周病是狗和猫最常见的牙科病症 – 当你的宠物3岁时,他或她很可能会有一些早期的牙周...
Can reduce teeth decay: By reducing the plaque, debris and bacteria in your pet’s mouth, a dental spray can also help to reduce damage and decay to their teeth, which can also lead to bad breath, cavities, abscesses, and mouth pain. How to Use Dog Dental Spray Always follow the inst...
Dental diseases in cats, such as periodontal disease and gum disease, can lead to serious oral problems, including tooth decay,tooth abscesses, and tooth loss. These issues can cause pain and discomfort for the cat and may result in expensive veterinary bills. Regular oral exams and professional...
Advanced diagnostic imaging and surgical treatment of an odontogenic retromasseteric abscess in a guinea pig A two-year-old guinea pig presented for difficulty chewing. Examination and diagnostic imaging, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance, revea... V Capello,A Lennox - 《Journal of...
This will eventually lead to an abscess. Root canal, or endodontic treatment, cleans out the infected pulp chamber and repairs the damage so the tooth can be saved. learn more view all treatments visit our blog about dental surgery group ...
The vet said her teeth were in great shape and they are white too. But I took her elsewhere. And they do x-rays. And she needed 8 teeth pulled. Most were completely dead roots under the gums even though the teeth looked awesome. She had an abscess under the gum and a resorptive ...