Russian Journal of Pacific GeologyP. F. Volgin, L. M. Lyutaya, and A. V. Kochergin, “Density Section of the Earth’s Crust in the Deryugin Basin (Sea of Okhotsk): Gravity Modeling Results,” Russ. J. Pac. Geol. 3 , 210–219 (2009)....
Three-dimensional density model of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle for the area of Poland. J. Geodyn. 25, 5 - 24.Grabowska, T., G. Bojdys, and J. Dolnicki (1998), Three-dimensional density model of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle for the area of Poland, J. ...
A compilation of compressional-wave (Vp) and shear-wave (Vs) velocities and densities for a wide variety of common lithologies is used to define new nonlinear, multivalued, and quantitative relations between these properties for the Earth's crust. Wireline borehole logs, vertical seismic profiles...
As first illuminated by theKeplermission1, planets with sizes and orbits unrepresented in the Solar system are common, and many of them present challenges for current theories of formation and evolution. Planets with orbital periods shorter than one day, also known as ultra-short-period planets (...
Understanding magmatic processes and their evolution in the Earth's interior requires a better knowledge of silicate melts and their physical properties. Among them, density is one of the most important to constrain the residence or ascent time of magma in the upper mantle and crust. However, ...
Collins, et al., “Accretionary Orogens through Earth History,” Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 301, 1–36 (2009). CrossRef N. I. Christensen and W. D. Mooney, “Seismic Velocity Structure and Composition of the Continental Crust: a Global View,” J. Geophys. Res. 100(B7), ...
doi:10.24028/gzh.v43i2.230190IB Makarenko
doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20145604V. SavinV. ButsenkoA. PiskarevV. Poselov4th EAGE St.Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences - New Discoveries through Integration of Geosciences
2.5-D Earth Crust Density Structure Modeling of the Central Part of Cameroon Using Gravity DataGRAVITYANOMALYModelingVOLCANICINTRUSIONSTheknowledgeofareasofhighandlowgeophysicaldensitiesisofparamountimportancetobetterunderstandthegeodynamic;tectonicandgeomorphologicevolutionoftheearth.Severalgeophysicalmethodshavebeen...
The knowledge of areas of high and low geophysical densities is of paramount importance to better understand the geodynamic, tectonic and geomorphologic evolution of the earth. Several geophysical methods have been developed to achieve this, including a 2.5 D modeling from gravity data, which is the...