Gravity and magnetic field characteristics and density structure of the crust in central Inner Mongolia.; 内蒙古中部重、磁场特征与地壳密度结构2) Crustal velocity structure 地壳速度结构 例句>> 3) upper-crust velocity structure 上地壳速度结构4...
Earth crustupper mantledensity heterogeneityintegrative density modelresidual gravityresidual topographygeoinformation systemgeodatabaseonline map-serviceModern geoinformation systems (GIS) are an indispensable instrument for efficient management of geographically referenced Earth sciences data. The Geophysical Center ...
The Emeishan large igneous province(hereafter named by its acronym ELIP) is the first accepted large igneous region in China.The current study tries to reconstruct the density structure of the crust in this region. For this purpose, we conducted the gravity survey along an 800-km-long profile,...
The density structure and average density of the oceanic crust have implications for various geological and geophysical problems, including interpretations of gravity data, the variation of lithospheric bouyancy in relation to age and role and fate of the crust in subduction. But no systematic evaluatio...
Crust and uppermost mantle beneath the North China Craton, northeastern China, and the Sea of Japan from ambient noise tomography [1] A 3-D shear velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle to a depth of 100 km is presented beneath the North China Craton (NCC), northeastern Ch... ...
Three-dimensional density model of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle for the area of Poland, J. Geodyn., 25(1), 5-24.Grabowska, T., Bojdys, G. & Dolnicki, J., 1998. Three-dimensional density model of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle for the area of Poland, J. ...
This is particularly evident in the fact that subsequent mare basalts erupted primarily within large impact basins: at least part of the crust must have been removed for the magma to reach the surface. However, the trajectory of the magma from the mantle to the surface is unknown. Here, we...
We examine the behavior of crustal density variations over length scales from centimeters to hundreds of kilometers using well-logs, surface rock samples and observed gravity data. The three data types support a simple model of an isotropic, scaling crust with density characterized by a power-law...
The three data types support a simple model of an isotropic, scaling crust with density characterized by a power-law spectral behavior.关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical/ Earth crust gravity rocks well logging/ power-law scaling behavior crustal density variation gravity data Canada scale invariant ...
Overturn is driven by the advance of a flow front of fresh, low-density lava over an older, higher density surface crust. The advance of the front causes the older crust to break up, founder, and dive downwards into the lake to expose new, hot, low-density lava. We find density ...