2005. Particle density of aspen, spruce and pine forest floors in Alberta, Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 1503-1506.Redding TE, Hannam KD, Quideau SA, Devito KJ. 2005. Particle density of aspen, spruce, and pine forest floors in Alberta, Canada. Soil Science Society ...
While most of these compounds are natural products, determining their mechanism of radical scavenging and common motifs that contribute to antioxidant activity would allow the rational design of novel antioxidants. Here the origins of the antioxidant properties of ten natural products of the lignan ...
Genetic control of germination parameters of Douglas-fir, Sitka spruce, western redcedar, and yellow-cedar and its impact on container nursery production The genetic control of germination parameters (germination capacity, peak value, and germination value) in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb....
Pines, firs and spruce are usually used as well as aspen. The flakeboard industries started in the early 1960s. These are made using an exterior grade adhesive and are used as the structural skin over wall and floor joists. The specific gravity of flakeboard is usually between 0.6 and 0.8...
Apparent Density of Some Wood Species TypeWood SpeciesApparent Density of Raw Wood, kg/m3Shrinkage Green to Oven-Dry Volumetric, % Softwood Cedar, yellow 420 6.4 Douglas fir 450 11.9 Balsam fir 340 10.7 Larch, western 550 14 Pine, ponderosa 440 10.5 Spruce, red 380 11.7 Taramack 480 11.2 ...
Factors contributing to the superior growth and N nutrition of 11-year-old lodgepole pine compared with Sitka spruce on a N-poor cedar-hemlock cutover We tested several hypotheses to explain the superior growth and nitrogen (N) status of lodgepole pine (Dougl. ex Laws. var. ) compared with...
ResultsPotential density was highest for Austrian pine and Norway spruce, followed by silver fir and Scots pine; it was considerably lower for European larch, stone pine and broadleaf species. Species-specific slopes of the self-thinning line ranged between 1.5 and 2.0 and were significantly ...
The literature on genetic differences among trees is abundant and is only outlined here. Narrow-senseheritabilitiesfor wood specific gravity range from 0.4 to 0.7 in both corewood and outerwood. Low specific gravity species, such as Virginiapine, spruce, andsilver fir, tend to have somewhat lower...
They found that in a species with no whole genome assembly (in this case Sitka spruce (Picea sitch- ensis (Bong.) Carr)), a SNP panel could be constructed from randomly located markers generated from RADseq. However, it must be noted that their GS analysis was performed strictly within a...
The effects of cambial age and position within the stem on specific conductivity in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) sapwood Specific conductivity ( k s , m 2 s 鈥 1 MPa 鈥 1 ) describes the permeability of xylem and is determined by all aspects of xylem anatomy that create resist......