Ishii, MiakiTromp, Jeroen
On the origin and constitution of the upper part of the earth's mantle The author proves that the Dirac-Gilbert equation serving as a basis for the expansion theory has the consequence that the Earth's mantle must be, excepting the uppermost 200 kilometres, similar in constitution to a magma...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an artificial hole of volcano for liberating underground fission energy and a method for manufacturing the same.;SOLUTION: An E.V-type block hoist crane, a vertical-hole excavator of double layers-connecting structure, and carrying-out equipment are provided in ...
Three-dimensional density model of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle for the area of Poland, J. Geodyn., 25, 5-24.Grabowska, T., G. Bojdys, and J. Dolnicki (1998), Three-dimensional density model of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle for the area of Poland, J. ...
Understanding magmatic processes and their evolution in the Earth's interior requires a better knowledge of silicate melts and their physical properties. Among them, density is one of the most important to constrain the residence or ascent time of magma in the upper mantle and crust. However, ...
Advances in our understanding of Earth's thermal evolution and the style of mantle convection rely on robust seismological constraints on lateral variations of density. The largelow-shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) atop the core-mantle boundary beneath Africa and the Pacific are the largest ...
It is shown that the obtained anomalous structures cause anomalies of the gravity field inside the Earth, which may be conducive to convective movements in the mantle and core.doi:10.3103/S0027134910020128N. A. ChuikovaT. G. MaksimovaAllerton Press, Inc.Moscow University Physics Bulletin...
The formation of the earth's core was due to the density differentiation of the primitive matter of the earth. This differentiation should be in progress at the core-mantle interface in the present epoch. Redistribution of substances of various densities gives rise to large-scale convective ...
A mineralogical model for density and elasticity of the Earth's mantle, Geochem. Geophys. Geosys., 8, Q11010, doi: 10.1029/2007GC001697.A. S. Piazzoni, G. Steinle-Neumann, H.-P. Bunge, and D. Dolejš. A mineralogical model for density and elasticity of the Earth's mantle. ...
The unique deep seismic studies carried out in Russia with the use of nuclear explosions provided the possibility to identify the detailed structure of the Earth's crust, upper mantle, and transition zone to the lower mantle to a depth of 700 km in a huge territory of North Eurasia. It is...