Deep Kernel Density Estimation 李新春 既可提刀立码,行遍天下;又可调参炼丹,卧于隆中。174 人赞同了该文章 密度估计(Density Estimation)在统计学和机器学习领域有着重要的应用。本文就介绍一下Density Estimation的相关技术,主要包括下面几个方面: Maximum Likelihood Neural Density Estimation Score Matching ...
Deep neural networksAlbeit worryingly underrated in the recent literature on machine learning in general (and, on deep learning in particular), multivariate density estimation is a fundamental task in many applications, at least implicitly, and still an open issue. With a few exceptions, deep ...
因此, 人群计数(Crowd Counting)或者人群密度估计(Crowd Density Estimation)是计算机视觉和智能视频监控领域的重要研究内容。 人群计数的通常的方法大致可以分为三种: 1 )行人检测: 这种方法比较直接,在人群较稀疏的场景中,通过检测视频中的每一个行人,进而得到人群计数的结果,一般是用基于外观和运动特征的boosting,贝...
内容提示: Calibrated and Sharp Uncertainties in Deep Learning via Density EstimationVolodymyr Kuleshov 1 Shachi Deshpande 1AbstractAccurate probabilistic predictions can be charac-terized by two properties—calibration and sharp-ness. However, standard maximum likelihoodtraining yields models that are poorly ...
Volumetric breast density estimation on MRI using explainable deep learning regressionTo purpose of this paper was to assess the feasibility of volumetric breast density estimations on MRI without segmentations accompanied with an explainability step. A total of 615 patients with breast cancer were ...
Deep Residual Learning for Channel Estimation in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Multi-User Communications in this paper, we model the channel estimation as a denoising problem and adopt a deep residual learning (DReL) approach to implicitly learn the residual noise for recovering the channel co...
The marriage of density functional theory (DFT) and deep-learning methods has the potential to revolutionize modern computational materials science. Here we develop a deep neural network approach to represent the DFT Hamiltonian (DeepH) of crystalline materials, aiming to bypass the computationally dema...
Estimating the data density is one of the challenging problems in deep learning. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective method for estimating the data density using a deep neural network and the Donsker-Varadhan variational lower bound on the KL divergence. We show that the optimal ...
Equitable development through deep learning: The case of sub-national population density estimation High-resolution population density maps are a critical component for global development efforts, including service delivery, resource allocation, and disaster response. Traditional population density efforts are ...
BENGIOY,ALAING,RIFAIS.Implicitdensityestimationbylocal momentmatchingtosamplefrom auto encoders[R/OL].(2012 06 30)., Y., Alain, G., and Rifai, S. (2012b). Implicit density estimation by local moment matching to sample from auto- encoders. Technical ...