Dense mode 采用推方式传送多播信息,假定所有的网络节点都是接收者,然后再修剪掉向那些不需要多播信息的网络的转发,Flood & Prune 的行为每隔几分钟就要发生一次。 Sparse mode 采用拉方式传送多播信息,除非接收端显式的声明,否则将不会向其发送多播数据。 注意:鉴于Dense mode周期性的Flood行为对网络影响较大,实际的...
pim dense-mode , sparse-mode , ssm dense-mode 多播router之间用的是pim协议,host与多播router之间用的是IGMP协议,dense-mode是router收到multicast traffic之后,首先会检查下进端口的那个multcast source地址是否在IP TALBE上对应那个端口,如果对应,然后就四散到其他端口,如果有些机器不要的,会在收到后发送拒绝信...
However, dense mode is less efficient than sparse mode, as it initially floods multicast traffic to all interfaces, potentially leading to unnecessary traffic if multicast isn't needed. If your VLANs (like VLAN 30 and VLAN 70) do not require multicast, you might consider removing the command...
However, dense mode is less efficient than sparse mode, as it initially floods multicast traffic to all interfaces, potentially leading to unnecessary traffic if multicast isn't needed. If your VLANs (like VLAN 30 and VLAN 70) do not require multicast, you might consider removing the ...
This paper focuses on building up some models for its most common types, this is, PIM Dense Mode and PIM Sparse Mode, by using manual algebraic derivations, following the Algebra of Communicating Processes (ACP) axioms. The purpose of such models is to achieve a simplified approach, yet as ...
We compare the proposed hardware with a high-performance systolic architecture for dense matrices obtaining 25% better performance in dense mode with half the DSP blocks in the same technology. In sparse mode, we show that the core can outperform dense mode even at low sparsity levels, and a ...
Animals have evolved mechanisms to travel safely and efficiently within different habitats. On a journey in dense terrains animals avoid collisions and cross narrow passages while controlling an overall course. Multiple hypotheses target how animals solv
However, there isnt an "orignal RP" to query first and then to fall back to dense mode like you were saying in your post. What am I missing here? The protocol should be really simple. If there is an RP for the multicast group,then use sparse mode,if not use dense mode However, ...