Google Share on Facebook i·so·dense (ī'sō-dens), Denoting a tissue having a radiopacity similar to that of another or adjacent tissue. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 i·so·dense (ī'sō-dens) Denoting a tissue having a radiopacity (radiodensity) similar to that of...
Abrahamsson A, Rzepecka A, Romu T, Borga M, Leinhard OD, Lundberg P, et al. Dense breast tissue in postmenopausal women is associated with a pro-inflammatory microenvironment in vivo. Oncoimmunology (2016) 5(10):e1229723. doi:10.1080/2162402X.2016.1229723...
Define radiodense. radiodense synonyms, radiodense pronunciation, radiodense translation, English dictionary definition of radiodense. adj. Not allowing the passage of x-rays or other radiation. ra′di·o·pac′i·ty n. American Heritage® Dictionary o
Conclusions This study is the first to demonstrate that the distribution of radiodense tissue within the breast is spatially autocorrelated, generally with the high-density areas clustering in the central regions of the breast. The degree of clustering was similar within a woman's two breasts and ...
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: After a recent mammogram, I was told that I have dense breast tissue. What does that mean? Should I be concerned? What does that mean for my future screenings? ANSWER: Whenhealth care providerssay "breast density" or "dense breasts," they are referring to how the brea...
OncoTAb makes an early detection Breast Cancer test for women with dense breast tissue. Mammography alone misses 50% of cancers in women with dense breasts.
Basically, the breast tissue density, i.e., breast tissue pattern is defined as the amounts of fatty andfibro glandular tissuespresent in the breast and considered as a major risk factor for development of cancerous cells[1–17]. A dense breast has less percentage of fatty tissue and more...
However, dense breast tissue is one of the risk factors that put women at higher risk of getting breast cancer and possibly four to six times more likely to get the disease. Dense breasts are not related to the size of the breast, it cannot be self-examined, and it can make it harder...
Using a novel collection of core biopsies from mammographically dense versus non-dense regions of the breasts of healthy women, we examined histologic and molecular differences between these two tissue types. Eligible participants were 40 + years, had a screening mammogram and no prior breast cancer...