Dense Graph: A dense graph is a graph in which there is a large number of edges. Typically in a dense graph, the number of edges is close to the maximum number of edges. 边条数|E|接近于|V|2 Sparse Graph: A sparse graph is a graph in which there is a small number of edges. I...
Here a graph G is called a dense graph if its (strong) rainbow connection number is small, especially it is close to 1; while G is called a sparse graph if its (strong) rainbow connection number is large, especially it is close to m . By Proposition 1.3.1, the cases that \\(rc(...
Dense & Sparse Graph Partition In a graph G = (V, E), the density is the ratio between the number of edges |E | and the number of vertices |V |. This criterion may be used to find communities in a graph: groups of highly connected vertices. We propose an optimization ... J ...
edge=utils.to_dense_adj(input_graph.edge_index,input_graph.batch)edge.shape,edge# bs,N,N 3.dense_to_sparse 边还可以实现由dense到sparse的转换,也就是to_dense_adj的逆向过程。但是这里如果传入edge_attr,需要注意只能是一个值,而不能是带维度的。 但是需要注意的是,由dense_to_sparse转换得到的edge_...
摘要: We consider a graph edge-editing problem, where the goal is to transform a given graph G into a disjoint union of two graphs from a pair of given graph classes, investigating what properties of the cl关键词: Graph modification problems Clique-editing Degeneracy Parameterized complexity ...
This repository contains the official implementation for the paperNeural Graph Mapping for Dense SLAM with Efficient Loop Closureby Leonard Bruns, Jun Zhang, and Patric Jensfelt. By anchoring neural fields to the pose graph of a sparse visual SLAM system, we can do dense neural mapping while sup...
Depth completion is a widely studied problem of predicting a dense depth map from a sparse set of measurements and a single RGB image. In this work, we approach this problem by addressing two issues that have been under-researched in the open literature:
We consider expressions whose arguments are relations and whose operators are chosen from among ∪, ο, *, and -1. We further assume that operands may be designated "sparse" or "dense", in a manner to be made formal subsequently. Our aim is to determine whether the evaluation of such an...
Dense and sparse matrices in multiple dimensions Matrix inverse, pseudo inverse, determinant, SVD, LU, QR, Cholesky, Eigenvalue decomposition Multi-threaded and lighting fast Handle terabyte-sized matrices on disk Visualize and edit as heatmap, graph, plot ...
An Experimental Assessment of a Stochastic, Anytime, Decentralized, Soft Colourer for Sparse Graphs This paper reports on a simple, decentralized, anytime, stochastic, soft graph-colouring algorithm. The algorithm is designed to quickly reduce the number ... S Fitzpatrick,L Meertens - Springer Ber...