Denon天龙AVR-X4700H功放维修,本公司专业维修天龙|||AVR系列功放,不开机,指示灯红灯闪烁,无视频,无声音等问题都可以完美修复 bili_40533627417· 2023-11-8 72002:08 天龙AVR-X3800H家庭影院性能揭秘:影音发烧友的首选之作 aaww456· 4-18 53155006:24 型号相近差别挺大!天龙X3800H和X4800H初印象与拆解 摩大...
Take a read of this thread: Denon Replaces AKM AK4458 DAC IC in X4700H and X6700H | Page 24 | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum Good chance you have the PCM5102A IC/ If your pre out requirement is less than even 1.5 V, SQ will not suffer even if you don't use preamp mode...
1) Can you spot and difference with x3700h vs the x4700h? Just stereo, not trying to judge some Auro 3D etc. stuff. 2) Would I get always a better experience by adding some mid-level integrated amp to the setup? I was also suggested to consider a power-amp (namely ...
网络AV 接收机:AVC-A1H, AVR-X4800H, AVR-X3800H, AVR-X2800H, AVR-S970H 2021型号: 网络AV 接收机:AVC-X8500HA, AVR-X1700H, AVR-S660H 2020型号: 网络AV 接收机:AVC-A110, AVC-X6700H, AVR-X4700H, AVR-X3700H, AVR-X2700H, AVR-S960H ...
Network AV Receiver: AVR-A1H, AVR-X4800H, AVR-X3800H, AVR-X2800H, AVR-S970H 2021 Models Network AV Receiver: AVR-X8500HA, AVR-X1700H, AVR-S760H, AVR-S660H 2020 Models Network AV Receiver: AVR-A110, AVR-X6700H, AVR-X4700H, AVR-X3700H, AVR-X2700H, AVR-S960H ...
Network AV Receiver: AVR-A1H, AVR-X4800H, AVR-X3800H, AVR-X2800H, AVR-S970H 2021 Models Network AV Receiver: AVR-X8500HA, AVR-X1700H, AVR-S760H, AVR-S660H 2020 Models Network AV Receiver: AVR-A110, AVR-X6700H, AVR-X4700H, AVR-X3700H, AVR-X2700H, AVR-S960H ...